KC11's Norn Site

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I have restarted the page without a care as to how much spam I get. That's what the spam folder's for!


From: shoysrock


hi. i am playing DS right now.i have you on my cotact list. i have only recently found out that people could make new breeds. do you have to have a spicial program to do this? because this is interesting to make breeds. i support you.

Dear shoysrock:

Yes, there is a kit that can help you create breeds. It is called the genetics kit. It can be found on the Creatures Development Network, under "Genetics/Biochemistry".

Thank you for supporting me!

From Websitekitty
comment: you want help KC?
what about with that geat breed you were talking about, I'm good at making
breeds, though I don't think I can make them so they only sleep at dark, I can
make them do everything else that's in the description.

By the way Iv'e been looking for an agent that can make creatures eat other
creatures for a long time now, i'm hoping it will be finished.

Dear Websitekitty:
I think you will do! I do hope to get the breed done, and I also hope more people will join.
About the sleep in the dark part. I think I might cut that bit out. I think I may as well be happy about the rest of it to be done.
(I would have responed sooner if you had given me your email address, but it is my fault for not putting an email section on the form. Could you please give me your email?)
And to the person who sent me the email to hide that money: Dear Mrs.Larisa Sosnitskaya, Never talk to me again. Because of people like you sending emails to inoccent adolesents like me, I have been forced to close most applications sending messages to me that exist on this website. So thanks for making the website worse.
